Bramley apple sauce


This sauce is the perfect accompaniment for roast pork or a succulent pork chop! This sauce is sharp, tangy with English bramley apples, a shot of Somerset cider brandy and a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg. It’s very good indeed, especially with roast pork and salty crackling, and even vanilla ice Cream.

210g Jar

SKU: 3005710000000 Categories: , ,


Based in the heart of Wiltshire, we lovingly make an award-winning range of over 60 artisan condiments, from the UK’s first Wholegrain Mustard to the Original Onion Marmalade.
To make sure all of our products taste as good as the best homemade we make them in the same manner as you would at home; with the highest quality, natural ingredients, handmade in small batches. We know the origins of all of our ingredients and work with British farmers and spice growers from all over the globe.

Additional information

Weight 0.180 kg